Meeting an Intersection of Challenges

People icons representing 37M people

40.4M People

20% of the workforce has some college credit, but no degree.

*up 3.6% in one year

University building icon

Colleges & Universities

70% of students enroll with work experience or alternative credentials.

Graduation cap and briefcase icon


30% lost profit and 45% missed growth because of employee skills gaps.

With EAS Everyone Can Win

  • Students receive more credit for previously unrecognized life and work experience, helping them earn a degree faster.
  • Institutions reduce time and costs to evaluate prior learning and increase student enrollment.
  • More students graduate bringing critical skills and credentials to the job market.

How EAS Works

User-friendly interface for prior learning assessment

Step 1

User-friendly interface digests prior learning and work experiences.

Cloud with book icon representing automated prior learning assessment solution

Step 2

Machine-Learning algorithm holistically evaluates learning and identifies links to college-level learning.

Digital report and outcome map for prior learning assessment

Step 3

A digital report and outcome map is generated for review by expert faculty to accept, reject, or seek more information.

Application checklist with graduation cap

Step 4

The EAS application consumes faculty review and produces a report of PLA credit for the consumption of the Registrar or Records office.

Get in Touch

If you would like to be in the beta or you want to learn more about how to partner with EAS, we’d love to hear from you. Reach out today: